Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Our Peaceable Kingdom

A peaceable kingdom of nature's
modest creatures is a reality
where foragers randomly pass
by one another in their timeless
hunt for the foods that are species
specific, unattractive to their
competitors in the daily trials
of survival. Trials that must of
necessity include a healthy 
awareness of the stealthy and
deadly approach of predators feeding
down the raw and bloody food chain.
But on our porch, the winter
feeding station that attracts local
small furred creatures and birds
on the fly from the boreal forest
joining the locals, manners of civility
prevail, the squirrels take their
turn from the tiny red, the bushy
grey and the pedestrian black, while
chickadees and juncos flit nervously
to their share, the cardinals await
their turn and the rabbit appears when
all others have finally departed. 
Leaving we spectators at peace
with the admirable vision of the
accommodation of need and the
natural delicacy of sharing.

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