Friday, November 1, 2013

The Cantankerous Wind

Are we really within the 
familiar confines
of our neighbourhood
woodlands, or have we
been mysteriously
transported by arcane means 
known only to Nature, to a
strangely placed forested
airport where jet planes
mystifyingly fly above the
wind-denuded forest canopy
to placidly land despite
the ferocity of sound, on a
field unseen by us?
Perhaps there are freight yards
just beyond the vision of our
sight lines arrested
by the closer presence of
water coursing in a 
forested ravine and perhaps
it is the wild bellowing of a
cantankerous wind that
so ferociously fills the
landscape with deafening
sound and fury, one of
Nature's own creatures,
temporarily berserk with a
raging complaint, tossing
upheaved trees in its tantrum
of ill will infusing the wretched
scene with utter misery.

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