Monday, May 6, 2013

An Authentic

She is different, 
quite different,
her smile a genuinely
disarming tool, her
mind sharpened to a
discerning level. Her
social anthropology classes
at school have aided
her immeasurably in
understanding human
nature from a purely
clinical base, the rest
came easily, through an
osmosis of discriminating
judgement. No adoration of
celebrity figures for her, no 
Facebook or Twitter accounts.
No animal flesh on her plate,
no simpering gossip. She
can spell avaricious, it is
how she feels about books,
treasuring them for they are
her jewel collection. She has
girlfriends and boy friends
but no boyfriends. A 
law degree is in her near
future. The best day of her
school life? Today, when 
the grades 11s and 12s
were assembled in the
small gymnasium with the
stage to hear a brief
speech by the young leader
of a political party
exhorting on his audience
the personal commitment to
civic duty. She got there 
long before he spoke, was
enthused enormously, regardless.

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