Friday, April 12, 2013


What they far prefer for pleasure
is planning their next exotic
getaway, a shipboard luxury cruise,
where their class is pampered and
comforted by the thought that cost
eliminates riff-raff. They may live
in a classless society but there are
still two major classes; those who
respond and the no-class. Right at
this moment, having perused the
morning's advert-flyers they are busy
hobbling out of their SUV and into
a succession of carefully selected
supermarkets. (They prefer to drive
large, expensive vehicles reasoning
their lives will be preserved should a
road accident occur despite their
careful vigilance.) They enter and
exit those stores, bags in hand,
snapping up the specials from each
until their mission concludes. Hurrying
as much as fragile age and corpulence
permits, no notice is taken of the appeal
of the Food Bank receptacle. In any
event, they are long retired folk, long
since paid any debt to society through
their exorbitant taxes; others can care
for the needy . They roar out of the
last parking lot, impatient to return
home, to peruse potentials for their
next horrendously overdue cruise.

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