Look ... Here I am!
Did you really believe I
would forget to return?
You felt dispirited by winter's
long, cold stay; I did not.
I have an ancient collective
memory; survival becomes us.
Yes, I'm back, here to stay
awhile, yet again. Look - here
and there, and over there ...
Recognize them? they're the
early harbingers of the garden.
Allium, fritillary, anemone, bergenia,
and pendulous, pink bleeding heart.
And there are the columbine, the
creeping phlox. The roses are
awakening, the clematis and the
honeysuckle. There's heuchera and
foam flower, lilies-of-the-valley
perfuming the garden, and day lilies,
peonies, hostas everywhere! Trust me,
they're all in their element.
The flowering crabs are alight
with blossoms, the lilacs nicely budding,
the rhododendrons and azaleas
preparing to burst into flower.
And you cannot miss the fuchsia
magnolias, their blowsy blossoms
bursting with pride and a tinge of
floral aristocratic upsmanship.
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