Newspapers announcing the death of accused 9-11 mastermind Osama bin Laden are seen at a newsstand outside the World Trade Center site May 2, 2011 in New York City. Getty Images
That which is inevitable is fatedto occur, beyond the efforts of oneman to avert the certain destinyhe has himself with great deliberationcreated the impetus for; the slowlygrinding wheel of his misfortunewill eventually and fatally occur.There is no reason to doubt the veracity of what the ancients warned: "Live by the sword, die by the sword." Those who do evil often enough escape the toll if the result of what they do is malevolentlydiscreet in its affect.Those who visualize and promotegrandly theatrical displays of theirbrutal contempt to ensure thatunspeakable terror grips the mindsof victims bring the unmitigatedeffect of venomous vengeance downupon their unwary heads.For those fiercely cleaving to theconcept of blessed martyrdom achievedthrough celebrated and hideous actsof bloody destruction, it must hardlyconcern them that the end is at handfor they have achieved their purpose.Yet in a conflict that pits the defendersof one religion against another, onewho considers himself an atavar
ofSaladin claiming his role to lead jihadagainst the Crusaders and Jews placesmartyrdom in abeyance and thereafterin forfeiture when dispatched by infidels.