Hello, again... You know my face and
I recognize yours. I stand here,
because you will not. I rang your doorbell
and read that familiar look of disinterested
contempt that slides into a rictus grin
creasing your face as the charade commences.
This is not meant to be a provocative act,
nor is it meant to become a confrontation.
We are two who share a community
although our languages are dissimilar
and our concept of the social contract
also differs substantially, it seems.
I stand before you explaining the charity
whose interest I have volunteered, briefly,
to represent. This charity represents
a dread disease that is the scourge
of humanity striking without favour
all it can with its sinister morbidity.
But of course there are many others
whose appeal one responds to simply
because there is a distinct need to do so.
And those other appeals are also brought
to your door for your due consideration.
And to all of these appeals the result
remains depressingly consistent.
You know all of that. And you and I
also know you will respond as you have,
year after year; the choices seem aptly
chosen to reflect the haughty scorn
settling like a dank, dark cloak over our
encounter. 'Not right now', 'Not this year',
'Some other time', 'I'll think about it, come
back at a more convenient time'....
The mask of chill courtesy slips
but occasionally. I thank you, nod my
head, close my kit, back off your porch
as your door slams shut and the overhead
light is swallowed by night's dark hours.
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