The bright trill of a cardinal
lilts through the roar of the
prevailing winds coursing through
the forest, over-riding the shrill
punctuation of a pileated woodpecker.
Overhead, spring-bare tree masts
glide to the urging of the winds,
trunks sliding and grinding, tops
clacking, an Aeolus-led orchestra.
A small orange butterfly lifts
into the wind, asserting its independence,
refusing to be intimidated, flying
counter, a tiny rebel patiently searching
a mate. Honey-suckle shrubs, first to
flash new green buds. Hazelnut bushes
have hung out their soft-furred catkins.
There, a carmine-bright trillium
thrust out of the spring leaf-strewn
soil, beside a companion blushed
by the Master Painter's hurried stroke,
the carmine dipped in bridal white.
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