A strange and peculiar compulsion has overtaken
her age-addled mind, compelling her to constant
movement, pacing relentlessly in long, looping
passages around the only home she has ever known
as though she is on a mission to explore a peculiarly
unfamiliar place. The incessant roaming interrupted
by a need to stand intently gazing upon some
arresting inner vision invisible and unknown.
That strange haunting need to stand alert to a
view of some arcane thing or place revealed as though
a mysterious passage to some other reality has been
opened and calls to her; only that causes a brief end
to the wandering, substituting nervous energy
by serene, yet troubling contemplation. Yet who
can see into an elderly dog's mind and memory?
She no longer hears our spoken messages of love
as aural communication is lost, dependent now
on the language of messaging movement. While
that too is increasingly impaired with the growing
failure of sight. Can she smell our fear for her
increasing bodily and mental impairment? Does
she interpret the sensuous feel of our emotion-laden
investment as we cradle her small bony, greying form?
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