Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Cautionary Tale

And a word to the wise, for with agedness
may come wisdom, may it not? Observe: if you
are a woman of somewhat advanced vintage,
complacent that your appearance and
intelligence have not deviated substantially
from your appealing years, yet were sufficiently
aware to admit yourself to your local
hospital emergency department when
symptoms of abnormalities erupted, celebrate.

That hospital stay, hooked up to life-saving
medical advances stood you in good stead.
And though you had always been physically
active, aware of sound nutrition, take care to
remain so. Your cardiologist insists. All the
health care authorities agree; your heart, for
your age, is worn but still serviceable. Avoid
stress, while embracing energetic commitments.

When the father of your children reminds you
constantly of your obligation to take the
before-meal, after-meal, during-meal,
before-bedtime medications, thank him and be
genuinely grateful. The blood thinners, statins,
beta blockers, prolong your quality of life - let
alone life itself. You do appreciate that, do you
not? Remaining an ardent gardener, nature
hiker, housewife, is vital to your well-being.

Your uxorious husband would so miss your
presence, and certainly you his, although he
would be aware of monumental loss, and you,
not. Heed the careful protocol of life-sustaining
measures, by all means, and continue to drink
deeply of the pleasurable and rewarding draughts
of life you share with those you so deeply love.

When your half-century-mature daughter
turns to her mother for reassurance because
of an irregular pap smear test result, do not
panic, do not permit yourself to succumb to
stress. Soothe your daughter's fears, speak
of your own experiences with unusual results.
Turn to the Internet, scan those reliably
informative sites, hit the "send" button; relax.

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