My Fragrantly Colourful Spring Garden

As though I might have forgotten!
Tiny blue heads of forget-me-nots
shyly blinking back at me from this
corner and that in the garden.
Vying for recognition among the
soft blue flowers of Pulmonaria,
the minuscule blue faces of violets.
And there, and there, clusters of
bright, earth-hugging primroses.
The vibrant colour of the grape
hyacinths, all presenting in proud
procession. The Japanese quince with
its tiny orange lanterns, the lilac
bushes setting their florid purples.
The heady aroma of the ornamental
crab flowers, apple trees side by side,
the hugely magnificent magnolia
blooms, sweetly aromatic.
The lilies-of-the-valley, no laggards
they, spread their wealth of green
spikes and blooming perfume wafting
on spring's gentle breezes. The bridal
wreath spirea is settling in to overwhelm
expectations with its white abundance.
Bleeding hearts are glorying in their
showy pink sprays. Early tulips
fading, but their mid- and late-blooming
cousins taking up the slack.
Wood violets intrude themselves
wherever they may, winking white
and mauve faces at us. Anemones,
fritallarias and purple snake-heads
launch their beauty campaigns in the
rock garden. The tall, hot-pink stalks
of bergenias proclaim their presence.
Creeping purple phlox spread their
paintbox colour and starry blooms.
Our garden, an perfumed oases
in the city. Overwhelming our senses
with gratitude for these sublime
occasions reminding us of the resilient
abundance and generosity of nature's
growing greenery; the yellow flowers
of the caragena tree, beloved of bees.
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