May Day

Early morning - a clear sky and
a crescendo of bird song reverberating
plangently through the spring-warming
atmosphere, this union of season
and celebration. Soon the cardinals,
red polls, song sparrows and robins
spring into another day of slowly
evolving landscapes; trees re-leafing,
insects resurrecting, worms burrowing.
In forest glades between tree thickets
wild strawberries lift white cups to
the sun. White, yellow and mauve violets
peek through leafage. Trout lilies
capture a gentle earthy slope. A
plethora of garnet trilliums nod; a
rare white specimen erupting in one of
nature's little oddities of consanguinity.
Wild apple trees set their vibrant
pink buds, and cherry trees their dangling
florets, just as serviceberry blossoms fade.
The cries of hawks hunting shriek
through the still air. Crows respond
with their rough language of
assertive territoriality. Unconcerned,
ferns unfurl, under trees suddenly green.
Squirrels, red and black, dash aerially
from bough to branch. The tamed water
of the ravine's creek swirls around and
about winter-shed detritus. Bees, moths
and dragonflies are re-discovering
their purpose. Shy and fragile,
Jack-in-the-pulpits begin emerging.
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