Herewith, the latest selection from dusted-off published poetry and short fiction, circa 1970s vintage and beyond....
The brilliant cardinal
trilled our breakfast concert;
chickadees, red squirrels
took orderly turn
at offerings sprinkled
on the deck beyond our breakfast room.
A robin doused at the birdbath
and our resident chipmunk
rounded out the morning's
guest list of entertainment
become a rite of spring.
Our morning walk in the woods
loaned us the sweet
trill of a white throat,
chickadees mimicking beyond.
Mourning Cloaks seeking
partners in spring's
mating twist the air.
No wind this warm spring day.
Above the trees crows mob
proprietorially, their raucous
calls racketing the woods.
From the moist, dark soil
emerges the shy first thrusts
of strawberry and violets.
A sharp-shinned hawk
coasts large and rufus-hued
returned to nest and hunt our
woodland creatures, should many remain
with the departure of the
great grey owls flown elsewhere.
The creek's headlong rush
undulates the landscape.
c. 2009 Rita Rosenfeld
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