Clever is as clever does
memory favours
us both and we share no
difficulties in routine
matters both still
working in overdrive
through long familiarity
and comfort with
each other's presence.
Yesterday morning
meaning to warm the teapot
I instead flushed boiling water
into his waiting coffee pot
full of fresh-ground
freshly-roasted coffee beans
then absently swilled
the lot into the sink
teapot still there, undisturbed.
He laughed, assured me
nothing wrong with the brain
just full of other concerns
then re-ground another batch
for that perfect morning coffee
he so enjoys
and I my morning tea.
This morning his coffee
plunged oddly, tasted lacking.
I discovered on removing
the plunger the assembly in
incorrect sequence. He'd dried
the dishes as I washed
and it was he assembled the plunger
I archly pointed out.
Made your day? asked he
slurring the query into
Major Day, as I responded
No, General Havoc
but all the synapses are firing
on cue. We're still capable
and cerebrally functioning
up to expectations; have
another three decades
to mature, gracefully.
c. 2009 Rita Rosenfeld
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