Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Time and the Tides

Not one progressive country now sanctimoniously

declaring themselves fully prepared to recognize

a state claimed by Arab Palestinians as their own

heritage bestowed by right of conquest would

themselves be prepared to live alongside such a

country whose ultimate goal is their destruction.

Yet there is no need for them to care to imagine

what it might be like for Jews living in their very

own ancestral homeland, forced to acknowledge

that sudden death by terrorism carried out by those

declaring their right to statehood while covertly

holding out to claim the entire territory as their

own when they succeed in destroying Israel's

hold on its historical patrimony are themselves

oblivious to the creeping presence of Palestinians

within their own nations, soon to be contested as

well for Islamic expansion and conquest. Should

they when the veil of oblivion lifts, protest in favour of

retaining their culture, heritage, laws and religion an

October 7 event will erupt and then who will come to

their aid other than those nations who like themselves

chose to support fanaticism and savagery, outrage leading 

them to declare a defensive against the martyrdom forces 

then focused on serving up Muslim gratitude in a bold 

sweep to take full possession of territory they thought

their own through time-honored rites of succession.

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