Friday, May 31, 2024

Dealing With Uncivil Muslim Threats!/cpImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/doug-ford-vaccine-production.jpg

The thing of it is, you see, it's really bad form to 

shoot up parochial Jewish schools, no better to 

firebomb synagogues, defile them with racist slogans 

and threats, intimidate schoolchildren, threaten 

and march to protest the existence of a Jewish state

celebrate the rape and murder of Israeli women

admire the butchers who slaughtered families and 

tortured children in front of their anguished parents. 

        IT JUST ... IS NOT ... CIVILIZED.

And it is downright bad behaviour to occupy the

campuses of universities demanding administrators

agree to relinquish investment in any fora involving 

Jews and Israel, cut off academic links and let it 

be known that Palestinian students are welcomed 

free of tuition fees to study where Jews have been 

outlawed. We know these peaceful protests are not nice 

because the country's authorities condemn them

identifying the most outrageous as antisemitism and 

vowing they will not allow such raw hostility and 

lawlessness to occur in such a wonderful country as 

Canada. So be prepared for elected officials at 

every level to finally take possession of the situation 

becoming more dangerous as each week goes by. 

They are !!Ahem!! prepared to meet each incident 

head on in no uncertain terms -- by of course 

iterating and reiterating their civic displeasure.

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