Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Palestinian Pretenders

Two distinct and adversarial groups claiming

rights of possession to a hotly disputed land 

one group through the right of ancestral

heritage, a people clinging to a land whose

linkage is traced through the Biblical era and

beyond, the other by right of conquest as

colonial settlers, a condition they accuse the

indigenous population of representing as they

boast themselves the original inhabitants

prepared to mount unceasing terror to succeed

in dislodging Israelites from their ancient 

Judaean homeland claimed by Arabs naming

themselves Palestinians, the historical Roman

Empire designation for occupied Jewish land.

Jews returned to their cherished homeland saw

no handicap in envisioning the re-creation of 

their Jewish state on a portion of their land, yet

the migrant Arabs fumed and rejected the offer

to share turning instead to conflict designed to

extinguish the Jewish state and the Jews that it

held, to no avail. Now the world body whose 

decision was flagrantly repulsed cossets and

gently humours the Palestinian pretenders while

sternly, injudiciously berates the Jewish State for

its bald impudence in believing it has the moral

right to its self-defence from Islamist terrorists.

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