Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Post-National Canada


His father before him merely fractured the country 

whereas his father's son has been far more ambitious 

and strove with panache and vision to destroy the 

heedless country that elected him its premier 

taken by his charisma, demeanor and handsome 

facade never dreaming that he would set out to 

accomplish what he spoke of as post-nationalism 

a country whose population was that of immigrants 

primarily from a Europe of bygone days under two 

founding nations competing for dominance and 

settling for accommodation. A country where 

newcomers took their place in the vast open spaces 

wheretribal First Nations found themselves a minority

yet there was cohesion and common values to bind

the fledgling nation toward peace and prosperity.

Enter the son with his narcissistic flair dazzling the

electorate until his machinations drew the country 

into a maelstrom of antagonism when progress meant

a return to the past when vast natural resources lay 

untouched enfeebling the economy even as social 

services became strained under the burden of an 

avalanche of migration unrestrained by scrutiny in 

an embrace of the world's misfits, tribal and theistic 

belligerents flailing and flaunting their contempt 

for all that Canada represented where equality was

transmogrified to represent reverse racial prejudice

disentitling those proficient in a multitude of skills 

in the name of diversity and inclusion. A diversity 

that now growls its disdain, flexes its muscles of 

hostile activities, flourishing on the opportunities 

to brandish threats and criminal acts against a minor

demographic whose  historical ancestry gifted the 

world and Canada with vision and the philosophy 

of caring tolerance. Mission accomplished the chief 

enabler of chaos and ruin whose legacy is Canada's 

downfall beams pride on his great accomplishment.


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