Saturday, May 11, 2024

Rewarding Terrorism


All hail to those whose moral subconscious

reminds them of their moral obligations to

if no one else, themselves to be rational and

true to reality, to recognize when the truth is

being manipulated and to refuse blandishments

to accept an alter-reality with absent substance

to consider a false narrative replacing history

promulgated by a vicious campaign intent on

portraying a group of Arab pretenders as pitiful 

victims of a pitiless colonizing imperialist clique

of Zionist Jews searching for security in a

defended homeland fleeing ancient torments

of exclusion, oppression, threats and slaughter.

Reclaiming their ancestral homeland with the

belated blessing of an international community

whose hate and suspicion temporarily abated

in guilt over fascist genocide they did nothing

to avert, which now they regret in a storm of

accusations by the true colonizers claiming descent

from the forbears of Judaism transformed by

a mass psychosis into Palestinian saints and

sages, the better to detach diaspora Jewry

from their heritage and just legitimacy.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Promulgating Antisemitism!/fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG_gen/derivatives/original_1180/cda-palestinian-protest-bc-20240429.JPG

And so, how would the purveyors of the fine art

of vituperative slander casting their victimhood 

as the underdogs of injustice when the indigenous

people of an ancestral land mass reclaimed their

right to existence denied them anywhere else on the

globe, intuit that in casting their seeds of Jew-hate

throughout the West, far from their cultural origins

they struck the fertile opportunity to infest and infect

their psychosis far and wide, inducting with masterful

guile entire populations of smug virtue-devoted dimwits

proud to raise their voices in favour of revealing their

subconsciously muted distrust of Jews into full-fledged

hate of Jews as shameless colonizers intent on depriving

poor Palestinians from their aspirations of statehood 

on Judaism's most sacred ground. Offering the young 

and the gormless the opportunity to join a celebratory 

mission of denouncing a nation of Jews devoted to the 

concept of self-defense in the maws of deadly assaults 

holding the savagery of sadistic atrocities an offense 

against humanity that justice and self-preservation require 

the complete obliteration of repetitive attacks through 

vanquishing those dedicated to its destruction. But these 

are reactions expected of any nation in the interests of 

protecting their citizens from danger, a right and obvious 

obligation of a state with international agreement, yet 

skillful manipulation of peoples' credulity has created an

atmosphere of denial and denunciation, reversing the 

roles of victim and victimizer, an inverse view of truth and 

logic so passionately grasped as reality as academia and

unions champion the charges of genocidal intent by Jews

against Arabs by the only nation that has ever suffered the

ungraspable industrialization of organized mass murder.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

So Sorry. Truly!!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/yom-ha-atzmaut-flag-raising-ceremony.jpg

Yes, it is most unfortunate but to our profound

regret although the Israeli flag will fly on May 14

in acknowledgement of its national day as usual

the very same courtesy extended to 190 other

national days, the usual brief ceremony has been

cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.

This is a decision not lightly taken; we are responsible

to ensure the safety and security of all our citizens.

Yes, you're right of course, it just won't seem the

same. Yes, you're right, the cautionary move has

been made after due consideration, given the potential

for violence since some see the event as a red line

provocation. Yes, it can be expected that the flag

of 'Palestine' will be present in street protests in

honour of the Palestinian Nakba memorial lamenting

the reincarnation of ancestral Judean lands as the

homeland of Jews worldwide. Yes, there surely

will be marches cursing Israel, Zionism and Jews

with shouted slogans of imminent annihilation

for all three, but you see it is a matter of numbers

for there are so many of them and so few of you.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

In This Entitled New World of Misfits,c_limit/queer-palestine.jpg

Little wonder then that executive members

of the free West community who celebrate

democracy and liberalism as their guiding light

the politicians, legal professionals, journalists and

community members of rank on school boards

have worked assiduously to turn society away

from conventional conservatism as the hallmark

of respectability for did they not attend the

institutes of higher learning that churned out

academics steeped deeply in progressive thought

and yearning for equality, fraternity with the

underdog, much as academia now has adopted

their former alumni on staff who have gone so much

further in glorifying a new social restructuring

that shuns history and the progress of humanity

for a deeper significance, that of elevating the

status of those groups formerly on the fringe 

of the social order where now the zeitgeist

lingers lovingly on gender fluidity, once a puzzle

now so adamantly 'normal' those who dare defy

new versions of biological mutation's legitimacy

are shunned and shamed and those who in far

distant lands who rise in a rage of psychotic

lethality to slaughter others become liberation

heroes deserving of adulation, their victims

shunned and categorized as white capitalists.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Barbarian Horde

Trivializing apartheid to attack Israel: David Matas and Sarah Teich for The Hub

They were a horde prepared for action that

would be the stuff of nightmares arriving

before dawn broke on the Sabbath, stealthily

destroying a protective border barrier, flooding 

into towns and villages shown on maps they

carried though some among them knew the

environs well, where they sought and were

given employment as farm labourers and it

was they who knew where the security detail

slept which became the first deadly casualties

of a lethal raid to destroy young lives and old.

Girls and women tormented, mutilated, raped

and murdered. Entire families torched to death

in their homes, infants and their parents alike.

The final touch, capture and kidnap hostages

to be brought back with the murderers to be

publicly reviled, taunted and thrashed by the

very townsfolk and villagers on the opposite

side of the border, taught from childhood to

despise their neighbours, to aspire to the heroism

of martyrdom, sacrificing their own lives for the

glory of slaughtering as many Jews as they

could before their orgy of hate and gore was

apprehended with their victims' response.

Monday, May 6, 2024

The Architects of Rejection


Convinced they hold the treasures certain

to ensure their adversaries have little option

but to submit to their demands or forego

the release of those they captured, dead or

alive, in the subsequent bargaining for a

ceasefire that would allow them the time to

restock both their corps of operatives and the

weapons to rejoin the conflict, they enjoyed

their strategy of postponing acceptance of

concessions in their favour for the pleasure

inherent in the torment of hope denied the

hostages. Their arrogance of assurity time

and again denied for cessation of hostilities

the terrorists ignited by their cynicism abrogating

a treaty in satisfying its blood-lust through

a sadistically savage rampage of rape and

mutilation and slaughter torching villages

and their inhabitants; to them a casual show

of heroic proportions now focused on survival

of its remaining battalions under siege by a

nation intent on annihilating future prospects

of October 7's promised revival suddenly sees

the fugitive terrorists amenable to signing onto

that elusive ceasefire at a time when their intent

adversary sees no profit in ceasing firing.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Final Solution Redux

The technique is well known for it

succeeded in its mission to destroy its

target as has been well documented not 

only by the countries allied to foil the

more expansive plans of the Third Reich

for world domination but by the perpetrators

themselves, proud of their characteristic

exacting bookkeeping, keeping abreast of

their accomplishments, so secure in their

axis drive to conquest they never imagined

it would all be used at the Nuremberg Trials.

The magnitude of the Final Solution and the

horrors of their ghoulish genocide resonates

today in the tactics and savage protocols of

their successors claiming their intention to

complete what the original Nazis left undone.

The blood libels, accusations, threats, isolation

and exhortations to those once neighbours

of the need to annihilate the outsiders even

those indistinguishable from themselves but

for their culture, ethnicity and religious

devotion translates well in the Middle East

where the successor-inheritors of fascism are

even now replaying the original script.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Leave Me Be!


Really now, life can be SO unfair. We are all of

us after all, nature's creations, animals of various

shapes and sizes, temperaments and natural

inclinations, all of which speaks to the vast

imagination and creative talents inherent in

Nature, the mother of us all. Yet here we are

my tribe, modest creatures that we are, living

everywhere in various incarnations, adding

to the diversity of creatures inhabiting this

singular planet we call home. Our very name

is feared and denigrated, sending shudders of

apprehension down the spines of others, large

and small not of our species. Here am I, a

modest creature with no ill-intentions toward

any though I have distant relations who respond

fiercely, lethally when irked, but not I. After

a miserably cold, long winter hibernation who

wouldn't want to emerge from a dank underground

den to bask in the spring sun? I lie passively

on stones or pathways to feel warmth coursing

through my reptilian body, harming none yet

I am harassed by curious animals wanting to 

know what manner of beast I am. Leave me be!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Misery Becomes Them!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/israel-palestinians.jpg

They share characteristics geared unerringly

toward grievance and victimhood; acting on

the first with violent aggression, lovingly

wearing the second as a badge of endurance

and resistance to their perceived loss at others'

gain, unwilling and incapable of conceding

that their mass psychosis is a reflection of tribal

psychopathy, regularly given to psychotic

savagery delivered in a maelstrom of sadistic

pleasure in doing irreversible harm to others

while rejoicing at their suffering, deliberately

oblivious to the harm they do themselves in

the stark desolation of their souls. They seek

validation in appeasement which re-ignites the

embers of their state of vengeful satiation as

the new flares roar into life and fresh atrocities

are imposed upon those they cast as their enemies

each fresh new assault outdistancing the last

as manifestations of their group neurosis that

inflicts upon the true victims of their delusionary

hatred the torment of mutilating pain before death. 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

From the Holocaust to the Holocaust

Well certainly the course of human relations

takes twists and turns so arrestingly bizarre

in the dark recesses of the subconscious that

fiction emanating from the feverish minds of

psychopaths repel and disgust those who

familiarize themselves with the plot, taking

refuge in the belief that such scenarios occur

in print to titillate and frighten, but never could

they darken the world in real time and place. Who

could or would or might imagine that in this

civilized world a tiny proportion of humanity

would be viewed as dispensable to the degree that

a state enterprise would arise to methodically

and with industrial efficiency destroy the lives of

millions because they are Jews? Once done and

the world looked on with incredulity at their own

deliberate unwillingness to halt the frenzy of mass

slaughter declaring never again could or would or

should it re-occur that a people whose contribution

to the world they inhabited was immeasurable in

its value face annihilation in thought or deed, who

might have imagined in a fervid imagination gone

rancid that it was time to prepare the groundwork

to denigrate, slander, accuse and threaten another

dedicated, well-practised protocol of genocide?

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


They are a multitude numbering

the days of your life as indispensable

to memory and affairs of your heart

as each of the living souls that look

back at you captured by the camera

lens when you directed the theatrics

of a pose and when spontaneous snaps

were taken at the most inauspicious of

times to record and record and record

and then as incidents faded in time

tucked deep in the furthest recesses of

memory set aside and the images so

neatly captured in photographs grew

in number while dimmed in the past

until on impulse retrieved surprising

you with the sudden jolt of acquaintance

as recognition and yearning tugged

loose the memories and that which was

lived returns to dredge tears from a

place of mourning you hardly knew

might even exist to live another day.



Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Leaders of Tomorrow Leading Today,709&quality=75&strip=all

They're the intellectual cream of the crop of society's 

future scientists, physicians, lawyers and politicians 

and as youth attending institutes of higher learning 

busy demonstrating their social conscience while

taking up the flag of sanctimonious resistance against 

the sinister influence of a tiny segment of humanity 

whose philanthropy finances the lofty halls of learning

whose cerebral geniuses wrought understanding

of the sciences to startling new levels, whose

enterprise burgeoning technology owes much to.

They are someone's children, primed and patterned

by daily domestic life in the thoughts of their

parents adapting themselves to the belief that

the world has been contaminated by the presence

of a tiny sliver of humanity from whom truly

hateful traits are exuded, controlling the world

economy, its news distribution, suborning entire

governments with their outsized influence and

wealth. University students privileged in their

lifestyles, supremely attached to inclusion in

social activism's latest focus, and in popular vogue

the Jew once again has arisen in naked displays

of arrogant oppression of innocent people who

are deprived of their human rights, by a grasping

conscienceless state claiming legitimacy at the

cost of depriving Palestinians of their patrimony.

Driven by the realization of authorities' incapacity

to restore public order, enthused and exhilarated

by this heady manifestation of their newly acquired

power, they shriek and posture, blame and threaten

defying both reason and social cohesion, in triumph.



Monday, April 29, 2024

Fraught With Danger


PHOTO: Demonstrators wave the Palestinian and Jordanian flags during a demonstration in Amman, Jordan on Oct. 13, 2023.

All that exists is the divine invention of nature's creation 

in its profound wonders and complexity. And then there 

is the nature of humanity among other animals in a slender

slice of the universe, variegated and sublime. From the 

very primeval era of humanity to the present we share 

our world with animals whose proximity to mankind 

has always been fraught with danger, and so we maintain

a measure of safe distance in the preservation of life 

theirs and ours. A conundrum has arisen that among 

humans exist pathological dangers inherent in life 

among psychopaths not merely random deranged 

individuals but entire groups who manifest a clear and 

present threat to others. Calling themselves Palestinians

they roam in raucous mobs threatening and abusing 

those among whom they live, not averse to disrupting 

society in their unreasoning passion for victimhood 

they claim is theirs while victimizing entire cities and 

national coherence in their insistence that another far

distant country be destroyed, its people banished

from life so that the victims may avail themselves

of that which is not theirs. Their victory of persuasion 

will not suffice to temper their rage for they will be 

forever victims finding other rage-inducing targets  

upon whom to vent their fanaticism including those 

adherents who have cleaved to their psychosis prepared 

to support violence against others, oblivious they are 

next until such time sane society exerts itself to

erect a distance between human raptors' intent to kill.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

A Light Unto The World

We were there first. Our timeless indigeneity in the

Holy Land documented in sacred scripture and in

aged historical accounts testament to that ancient 

heritage of ancestral land time and again occupied 

by triumphant conquest yet though we were forced 

into exile and were distributed in a mass diaspora 

worldwide we never left that land for among our 

forbears were immovable, devoted caretakers 

awaiting our return. Now, those who present as rivals 

to claim the land as theirs alone prepared to mount 

as many death counts as they deem necessary to 

rout us from our home leaving the land saturated 

in our blood, hound us wherever we have journeyed 

for haven. There too they threaten and torment us 

to disrupt our lives and dispel the mirage of

security abroad, taunting us with violence and death

proclaiming those lands too their very own, soon

to be wrenched from the hands of those who

welcomed them as migrants and refugees in sheer 

force of numbers sufficient to embolden their 

outright demands to recognize the land as their

caliphate, one where our presence is forbidden and 

should their brash threats bear consequences there 

will be nowhere left for us to turn to, a living relic 

of times long past where we have endured bearing 

the burden assigned to us, a light unto the world.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Goal And The Failure


The human spirit is such a fragile instrument 
of nature so readily succumbing to the passion
of emotions from which rational judgement flees
knowing there can be no cerebral intervention
possible  to contain either of the elemental 
emotions near yet so far from the echo chamber
of love and hate. The angels of our better natures 
sit by dejectedly in the stifling atmosphere of 
suspicion, victimhood and hatred giving birth
to threats and violations of humanity's most
coveted prize; to love and be loved. Perhaps they 
are able to parse the moods and emotions that
drive particular elements of the social order to 
fray its edges spreading rumour and innuendo in
a concerted regime of devaluing and slandering
the vulnerable, in the process finding satisfaction 
in the dark dungeon of hatred. A mystery to those
who seek the light, attuned to the sweet fragrance
of love given and returned completing a life
cycle of certain value, leaving the haters to 
discover their purpose in the venom that courses
through their meaningless lives in the process
irredeemably corrupting the legendary holy
grail of poets and lovers of a life well lived.



Friday, April 26, 2024


They are old and they are tired, pale

passive and listless. Waiting, they wait

to hear their names called. First names 

only, called by attendants young enough

to be their grandchildren. There is no

formality, no dignity offered the elderly

merely faceless patients awaiting judgement.

The kind of diagnosis and analysis of

blood tests that will affirm or deny their

few years left and possibly many among

them are prepared to finally leave though

they feel an obligation to life to endure.

They sit in waiting rooms, waiting. It is

not they who scan iphones and play games

as they wait. They look inward and scan

their memories of times and events and

people long passed. For them there is no

diversion from tedium nor do they care

although they do vaguely deplore the

messages posted along endless corridors

and waiting rooms in various hospital

departments advising patients to kindly

be patient and while waiting please refrain

from abusing the staff, or one another.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Implacable God of the Desert,quality=80,format=auto/sites/default/files/images/articles/migrated/20110409_eup004_0.jpg

Origins in lands of scarcity with heat, sand

and a hot desert sun in abundance the search

for substance and sustenance and survival  

creates rivalry with tribal customs of harsh

and unforgiving solutions of conflict and death

and to the victor go the spoils of contested

place and the meagre resources of survival

leading to a primitive genetic memory dredged

from the deep recesses of autonomic recall.

The heritage of fierce, unrelenting violence

quiescent when unneeded rises rampant with

the threat of rivalry extended to a religious

devotion to the sacred concept of a God whose

word is law brooking no amity for any whose

religion is other than that of the desert. In a

gross generosity of spirit the 'other' accepts

within its geography the presence of those

faithful to the concept of jihad, quietly and

cunningly assessing prospects, gaining in their

numbers, tutoring their offspring to value and

glory in the prospect of achieving the ultimate

goal of martyrdom in search of mass conquest.



Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Death Fixation

It is a certifiably strange delusion that

motivates people in the ecstatic belief

that they have been blessed when they

plot the murder of perfect strangers in a

paroxysm of religious fervour that will

grant them the status of martyrdom when

they join the pantheon of others similarly

deluded by a religion that promotes mass

murder and the glories inherent in becoming

the catalyst of chaos and destruction while

its faithful extol it as the only gateway to

paradise as a religion of peace and love. It

is of course feasible that were the aspirants

to the celebrated status of the heroic by

demonstrating that life is expendable in the

greater interests of pleasing God not have

had their cerebral functioning hampered by

indoctrination of hatred they might have

balked at committing rape, mutilation and

slaughter of children, women, the elderly

and any who bear the distinguishing mark 

of a true religion of peace. Alas the allure

of a non-consensual death pact leading to the

status of martyr is not to be denied. And why

should such a heartfelt desire not be fulfilled

far more directly from intent to prosecution

the intermediate focus of the sacred ritual

set aside since the victim chooses to withhold

surrender of existence but is willing to

accommodate the assassin-celebrant's fervid

attachment to achieve holy martyrdom.