Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Protocol of Verbal Self Defense

Language and the subtlety with which words are 

carefully used is a fine art, one studied and perfected 

by academics and politicians for very particular purposes 

if, after all, one can deliver a message unpopular by 

those who are ultra-sensitive to perceived slurs one

must plan for the credible fallback of contextualization 

and misunderstanding to move the ball of contention 

back in the court of those quick to take offense and 

contemplate lawsuits. Above all, most self-respecting 

members of university faculties and Parliamentarians

know the power of a people skilled in aggrievement 

for as providential victims  haven't they after all

a powerful political voice heard and heeded through 

the lobby of intense manipulation posing as moral

rectitude they have so clearly perfected over the years? 

The issue of influence in the corridors of power to 

ensure their misdeeds are overlooked silent some 

but for those courageous and clever enough to curate

language in a selection of perceived neutrality one can

claim their intent was not meant to blemish and blame 

an entire group even though it is well enough known 

and agreed that as a group they represent greed and

manipulative coercion as the fount of all human

suffering, indignities and injustice despite which one 

must still practise the caution of addressing issues 

specific to the matter at hand; Jews control the

world's affairs; their noted wealth and interference 

in world affairs to benefit their tribe alone is manifest 

but bear in mind heated accusations of antisemitism 

will follow that open declaration as surely as the sun 

will rise following night, leading those aware of inevitable

consequences to neutralize unwary language substituting 

for example 'Zionists' in innocent blame and shame.

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