Friday, May 17, 2024

The People's Republic

1. Map of People's Republic of China showing the provinces ...

The People's Republic -- you know, the country

that occupied and swallowed Tibet, that

promises the same to Taiwan, that banished

democracy and autonomy in Hong Kong, that

imprisons to re-educate Turkmen and Uyghurs

all to ensure 'harmony' amongst its many

reluctant citizens unfortunate enough to live

in a geography ever expanding to absorb their

own -- is restless and searches for new challenges

over and above its ambitions of imposing the

state of indebtedness in Africa, Latin America

and the Middle East through its ambitious scheme

to portray itself as a bank for infrastructure and

modernization to entrap unwary nations by its

siren song of friendship and good will selective

enough for common cause with other ferociously

territorial dictatorships to the detriment of poor

embattled Ukraine and battered but unbound Israel

while the CCP glowers at its critics and fawns

over its admirers tolerant of China's penchant for

installing provocateurs wherever its vast populace

wanders far from home migrating from oppression

to lands of welcome and opportunities to prosper

yet dogged by the long tentacle arms of China's

invariable outreach reclaiming those who rejected it.


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