Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Select Credulity of Evil

The conundrum speaks to a peculiar flaw in

human nature when popular opinion in the

minds of great swaths of humanity mysteriously

find themselves drawn to believe interpretations

expressing raw infidelity to reality issued from

a group that embraces the elixir of jubilation

so exhilarating to their sense of immorality in

carrying out mass murder, finding enjoyable the

agony imposed on raped and mutilated girls and 

women in the raw pursuit of power and pleasure

committing atrocities of a magnitude eliciting

disgust among those in the civilized world with

the possible exception of psychopaths admiring

and emulating the propensity of low-order humanity

to extreme violence committed against others. Yet

this very group of humanity's executioners held

to the lowest of standards somehow draw credulity

in their version of events meant to blacken the

reputation of the most moral society on Earth for

the simple reason that when Jews are involved evil

contaminates humanity's trust in balanced logic.

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