Saturday, May 11, 2024

Rewarding Terrorism


All hail to those whose moral subconscious

reminds them of their moral obligations to

if no one else, themselves to be rational and

true to reality, to recognize when the truth is

being manipulated and to refuse blandishments

to accept an alter-reality with absent substance

to consider a false narrative replacing history

promulgated by a vicious campaign intent on

portraying a group of Arab pretenders as pitiful 

victims of a pitiless colonizing imperialist clique

of Zionist Jews searching for security in a

defended homeland fleeing ancient torments

of exclusion, oppression, threats and slaughter.

Reclaiming their ancestral homeland with the

belated blessing of an international community

whose hate and suspicion temporarily abated

in guilt over fascist genocide they did nothing

to avert, which now they regret in a storm of

accusations by the true colonizers claiming descent

from the forbears of Judaism transformed by

a mass psychosis into Palestinian saints and

sages, the better to detach diaspora Jewry

from their heritage and just legitimacy.

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