Saturday, May 25, 2024

Shades of Black and White

The 'right' man or the appropriate group can be 

irrelevant but they can be rehabilitated in surprising 

ways to remind ourselves that social requisites 

like law, order and justice may be the prevailing issue 

of fundamental necessity in quelling inborn instincts 

to mayhem but their proponents, representatives and 

forces of public order will not escape violent dissent 

from a public married to a concept of equality that 

forgives disorder, chaos and criminality. And so it 

was that a committed criminal became an icon of a

people oppressed and discriminated against whom 

the law held accountable for their many misdeeds 

when George Floyd was lionized as a victim of an 

unrelenting mission to degrade and humiliate the

underbelly of civilization's misbegotten underclass 

distinguished by colour and whose penchant for crime 

brought him to the misfortune of an untimely death 

in a struggle for life cruelly denied him, a scenario 

that found empathy on a universal scale that elevated 

the man to heroic dimensions and the law to a deplorable 

weapon against people innocent of all but their shade 

of skin. The resultant mass mourning and global rash of

condemnation elevating a criminal to celebrated martyr 

impelled a social movement of blame and shame

catapulting George Floyd in death to memorialized fame 

rationalizing the resulting lawless criminality throughout 

the public domain of those piloting a social movement to 

riot and pillage, denigrating White and elevating Black.

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