Friday, May 24, 2024

The Ancient Curse of Jew-Hate;w=960

Just a straight-up news report based on a public

celebration of the re-birth of the State of Israel to

which the celebrants, municipal authorities and

regional citizens of Jewish ancestry gathered in a

display of mutual respect. A decidedly sour note

interjecting when citizens of Arab ancestry too

gathered to condemn the audacity of Jews who

shamelessly rebuilt that ancient destroyed state of

antiquity representing their Biblical-era heritage.

One group joyfully celebrating their good fortune

the other crying foul as it denigrated both the State

and the celebrants. What a relief that police were on

hand to ensure lawful security and only one warrant

was issued for a septuagenarian who flashed an

obscene gesture as she dragged a hijab from the 

head of a woman bearing a Palestinian flag, while the

flag of Israel fluttered in the public square and others

in the crowd held signs reading 'Global Intifada!' 

amongst others urging a 'Final Solution' and 'From

the river the sea!' Goodness knows, civil society 

cannot abide lewdness for it assaults public order 

but the signature call to violence and celebration 

over genocide and more recent slaughter of innocent 

Jews by Arab terrorists can be tolerably side-lined 

in the greater interests accommodating victimhood 

theology that calls upon the never-fail, submerged

universality of the ancient curse of Jew-hate.

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