Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Palestinian Blood Sport

University of Toronto

In 20th Century Third Reich Germany Jews

were declared Untermensch with no civil rights

the state declaring that Jews could not teach nor

their children attend school, for why bother when

their future dimmed toward a horizon of complete

extermination in the knowledge that none would

intervene. In 21st Century post-national Canada

a creeping antisemitism has morphed into a

full-blown rage of intense hate and there too now

while governing authorities have not proclaimed

its Jews expendable, neither have they lifted an

eyebrow when Jews are once again persecuted

threatened and their human rights violated so

that Jewish children attending school submit to

jeering threats and random violence, unleashed

by terrorist factions against Israel's vulnerable

populations of farming communities by the

Angel of Death's willing executioners who

subscribe to an aspiration to renew Holocaust

intentions and in the process ably convincing

the world that theirs is a just response to Jewish

intransigence insisting on the right to restore

its ancient ancestral heritage on contested land.

Admirers and supporters in Canada pleased to

emulate the fearsome actions of terror as proxies

abroad threatening Jewish life in Canada with

utter impunity from a demographic reflecting

the deadly rancour of tribal memory reborn.


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