Monday, May 20, 2024

The Weight of Fame

That gloriously evasive ascent to the pinnacle

has been reached and euphoria of that so

great achievement in heady pride of purpose

lasts but a moment in time until inevitably

the realization strikes that the goal is yet

incomplete for the hot breath of ambition

of others is trailing close to unseat the most

current champion of public adulation and

acclaim and as that figure topples the next

achieves the fame that spurs the field of avid

contenders to greater heights of charisma's

promise in the very public sphere of mass

entertainment. Rising to the height of popular

appeal the weight of fame is met by 'Is That

All There Is?' and a drive to self-destruction 

a craving for escape from the dilemma of self 

found in addictions to soul-destroying and bodily 

insults while the mind slowly erodes until the 

final chapter when news and entertainment media 

deplore the mournful too-soon-in-life escape 

into unpredictable fame's finality of death.

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