Saturday, March 1, 2025


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NGC 4755: A Jewel Box of Stars
Credit & Copyright:
Dieter Willasch (Astro-Cabinet)

If we were not here to make note of the
passage of time would the concept of time
exist? It is a question very much like that
of a tree falling in the forest with no witness,
a blazing star shooting through the galaxy,
a monumental volcanic eruption. If time and
matter are fundamentally actions and reactions
existing in response to nature's primal awakening
and exquisite design who would know, note or care
as the nuclei of atoms swirl endlessly, form,
disintegrate and reformulate to nature's formula?

In the vast infinity of creation the elements
have allowed themselves free reign and uncommitted
time has assisted their development and their
entropic dispersal, their ferocity of determination
and surrender to decline. We know of a certainty
that we are here, inhabiting the immensity of
creation, our scale infinitesimally minuscule. Our
thoughts proof of our being, our vision clarifying
all that surrounds us. But what if there is fault
in the acuity of that vision, in our mind's perception?

Have we imagined the Universe, our fragile
existence, the endless, remorseless passage of time
slowly obliterating the familiar, recasting gaseous
vapours, degradation of matter, the fatigue of
material degeneration, circulating ice crystals
in atmospheric alliterations, the symbiotic affect
of organic matter, the exchange of the inorganic,
the powerful energy of sun-stars, the magnetism
that holds us in thrall to place, the anchorage of the
inorganic, the scaffolding of the stratosphere? 

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