Sunday, September 22, 2024


Who loves you the very special huggable most?

Who’s your favourite uncle?

Clever little thing you are, aren’t you? Yes, it’s true you have no other uncles, but remember, I have other nieces, don’t I?

They like getting gifts from their uncle, too. But of course they never get as many gifts as you do.

Oops, what’s that look on your face? The little green imp of jealousy got to you?

All right then, who never shouts at you, punishes you? And who is it who defends you when someone does yell at you, or whacks your backside? Right, right. You are so smart.

Repeat after me, precious, you are my very special absolute favourite. Now let’s hear it. Again? Good, you are a clever one.

We know things that other people don’t, isn’t that right?

And these are things we keep to ourselves, right?

You know I would never do anything to hurt you, don’t you?

Remember who it is that gives you all those nice things? Can you tell me who it is who never comes to visit without something special for his very special little girl?

And what are secrets, you special child? Yes, aren’t you just so clever! Secrets are what we know that other people can’t, because we won’t tell them. Because they aren’t special, like us.

Secrets are what special people who love each other and have a very special bond, keep to themselves. They’re like good things to eat. We want them for ourselves, because they give us pleasure.

The pleasure is what we feel in sharing these secrets with each other. And if someone else who isn’t special ever gets to know that secret, well, it’s not our secret any more, and our specialness to each other is gone.

Yes, that does sound very sad. Sad things make us unhappy. We don’t like to be unhappy, do we precious one?

Did I forget to tell you how pretty you look today? I was so amazed when I saw you that it took my breath away. Little wonder I didn’t tell you then and there how beautiful you are; I just had no breath left. That dress with the frilly collar makes you look even more pretty, doesn’t it?

Oh, is that a dress I bought for you? I thought it looked familiar. How would it be if I put this pretty little necklace on you. No, you’ve never seen it before. It’s a new gift. Like it? There’s a box of yummy chocolates waiting for you, too.

That reminds me. I may have to stop bringing all these gifts to you, for a little while. Now, don’t pout. It spoils your angelic face. How could I admire, love and adore anyone as much as I do you? No one else is as clever - at keeping our special secrets. No one else is so utterly adorable.

Are we agreed on that? Good.

Your mother says I’m spoiling you with all those gifts and attentions.

Do you think I’m spoiling you?

No, I don’t think so, either. But guess what, I have to be careful about us, our special relationship.

No, don’t worry, it won’t change anything between us. I just have to be - more careful.

People are always mean and nasty when they see others being happy, when they’re not.

You haven’t said anything to Mommy have you?

Now, don’t get upset. I know you haven’t. We both keep our promises and our little secrets.

Here, let’s see a smile. Wider, please. I want to see all those shining white teeth.

Got any hugs to give away today?

Wow, squeezed the breath out of me. You sure can hug!

What’s that? You won’t hug Mommy any more because she wants to stop our special fun?

Don’t do that, Sweetie. Just be good.

Good, and quiet. And just be my special girl.


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