Monday, April 1, 2024

Do Unto Others

A simple question to which there appears

no rational response: What accounts for the

formidable reputation inspiring fear and loathing

in the minds of populations scattered throughout

the world, of the presence of a vanishingly small

number of those whose numbers represent a

mere fraction of a fraction of humanity within

a fractured world? Dragons never seen but given

credit for malevolent hostility toward humanity

no longer perturb the minds of the gullible who

since time immemorial have focused on the

intolerable presence of a people whose acumen

and abilities in every sphere of human endeavour

is outstanding, bringing benefit to the entire species

yet though they excel in the arts and sciences remain

viewed with suspicion and raging blame for all

misfortune visited upon humanity, earning deadly

ire that translates to violent rejection and a further

diminishing of their physical presence. While

despised as a people, they are held to a high level

of expectation through the human contract of regard

for others for which they have never required any

tutelage; their collective conscience and values in

a world of rejection a beacon of light in the dark.



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