Thursday, June 18, 2015

Endless Renewal

The foundation of the forest
reaching from the mountain's
widest earth bound base to its
narrowing slopes until it becomes
an alpine struggle for survival
against icy sleet and roaring
winds of winter is forever
damply penetrated. Mosses and
lichens thrive on tree trunks
like fussy ornaments. Gnarled
old yellow birch, bark unfurling
thick with lichen, long-tumbled
mountainside boulders hosting
mosses, lichens and tender new
saplings like miniature forests
mocking the original. The still,
rain-dripping forest below redolent
with nature's decay as climax heralds
finality even while endless time 
promises renewal, germination 
hastened by presiding humidity. 
In the fastness of the forest the
mock applause of an oven bird
resounds as time and creation
proceed on their endless destiny.

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