Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Winter Clique

It was an exclusive little
party. Nature sent her invitation
only to fall and winter advising
cold it might remain in strictly
observer mode, and wind to
hold counsel for the nonce. 
Then in dredging memory recall
and artistic contemplation she
drew forward her paintbox
preparing to etch a panorama
setting the stage for more to come
informing her guests they might
indulge along with her, but
their selections would be
constrained to the subtle palette
of ivories, chalk and mellow creams.
Fall dissembled, insisting on shades
of grey and tan even as greens and
golds, reds and purple-pinks were
summarily discarded. Winter wisely
selected white ingratiating himself
to Nature's powerful majesty.
Truculent fall has been sent into
the disgrace of a year's exile.

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