Monday, January 6, 2014

Flag of the United Nations.svg

Imagine That

It took the fine minds of intelligent
reason to make the assumption
that all men and women are
created equal in their raw,
subconscious desire to live
among one another in peace and
related harmony. For is it not a
just and human aspiration to give
and have respect in turn? Those fine
minds reasoned that civil institutions
on an international scale would
influence all societies to aspire
to a human standard of decency.
And so was created just such an
edifice whose purpose was to promote
good will among nations agreeing
that a resolution affirming the right
of all to standards of liberty and
the opportunity to flourish without
fear of exploitation and force
represented the most basic of
human rights that governments,
their agents and the global community
must respect, strive to achieve and
support. Tensions and conflict, abuse
and cupidity alas, loomed in the
minds of the unworthy as more
reflective of the world's and their 
own imperatives. And so, the decline
of nobility of character and intent 
set in to corrupt the institution of
peace and freedom, Reflecting in
broad outline the failed purpose of
the experiment in the human spirit
reaching toward the divine that is 
today the world's premier arbitrator
of greed and misery, avarice, poverty,
slaughter and conflict without end.

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