Thursday, December 5, 2013


This is not a fanciful work
of serialized fiction. Nor is it
the result of sentimental
reminiscence. It is a true story
of steadfast love and the
comfort of tender assurances.
When they were so young and 
new to the world about them
they were already sturdily 
possessive and protective of
one another. He, in particular,
would reassure her, brush away
her fears for he was there to
protect her from harm. And
none ever befell her, for she
trusted him. They embarked on
a prolonged voyage of discovery
in a tandem of curiosity and
aspiration. They truly were an
inseparable pair. Does joy and
contentment insult fortune and
invite the impish reaction of fate
to turn happiness to sorrow? It
can, and does in many stories, 
but this one remained unblemished
by misfortune. He smiles at her
still, speaks softly with love, and
in the quiet night hours, tells
her fabulous tales into infinity.

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