Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Song, The Dance

The music, the innocent songs, 
the performance of that gentle era
when we were young, when the
words were of happiness, love,
stars, heaven, destiny, hope and
the notes swung smoothly into
waltzes, fox trots and swaying, 
simple dance steps, arms entwined,
heads together, feet sweeping the
dance floor in the big band era,
that clearly voiced yearning for
youthful companionship. Little
could we know how vital those
memories would remain as now
still together and aged, we sing
those recalled words moving
smoothly together to those old
recordings, nostalgic and grateful 
for that long-distant time in our past, 
never realizing in the flush of youth 
how infused in symbolism and depth
of meaning it would all appear at 
some unimaginable future time.

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