Sunday, June 30, 2013


Floral Bouquet

Bright, hot-pink blossoms of
thimbleberry adorn the dark-green
foliage of maple-leaf pretenders,
wafting an exquisite fragrance on
the sun-dappled hill as it stretched
beyond, into the cool shadowy green
of the forest. Within the bower of
trees, foliage whispering gossip
from branch to branch, sunrays
still reach to highlight bunches 
of startling-red baneberries. Bedding
grasses perfume the atmosphere with
their thick, heady emanations. Daisies
lift their impudent heads amidst
equally saucy buttercups and pale,
modestly yellow cinquefoil flowers
amongst exquisitely neat pink
fleabane blossoms intertwined with
purple-headed cowvetch. A divinely
aromatic bouquet of the woods on
a perfect summer's day amble.

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