Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wretched Little Blighters

Wicked little miseries they are,
truly they are the very personification
of nasty little ingrates, assaulting
the very hand that feeds them and 
their woodland brethren of the
goodness of a human heart - no?

Obviously, those that prowl the
urban landscape seldom commune
thoughtfully with those who choose
instead their home in nearby
forested areas of the urban woodlands.

There, daily are dispensed
bagsful of peanuts to delight the
forest denizens, clearly a superior
breed to their city cousins who choose
gardens over the cloisters of
the living green canopy.

In backyards the charms of these
self-entitled visitors are muted,
less obvious as they purloin seeds
of bird feeders, destroy kitchen-garden
crops in a frenzy of pure mischief.

The little devils uproot flowering
plants and diligently seek out
hopefully planted spring bulbs that
anxious gardeners toil to plant, count
on to survive winter strictures
and miserable squirrel predation.

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