Love and Marriage

It's true, that old adage:
"nothing ventured, nothing gained"
but in the doing you ventured to
exploit another person's need
and you gained the epiphany
that you'll remain uncommitted,
after all. Simply put, you're
an unprincipled, egoistic jerk.
Strange, how often that kind
of thing happens, the self-assured
breaching the defences of the
self-doubters, breezily challenging
their hesitation, and when it
becomes abundantly clear that
emotional transfer hesitates on the
cusp of success, the egoist withdraws.
Taken again, by the shock of
social facade lacking depth, with
her own nakedly needy self revealed
and stricken by the casual shrug of
disposal, her anguished self-doubt
deepens into despondency and
despair. Not your concern;
you can remain friends.
The mystery of it all reflects
the puzzle of the conundrum that
an erstwhile suitor need not possess
superior character. Women will
accept and yearn toward emotional
companionship. Not quite what the
male had top of mind. Such gender
matches do exist; meeting is elusive.
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