Scant heat in the rays of the winter sun,
but ample warmth in the brilliant gold glow
cast upon the landscape dappled with the
snow of last night's blustery squalls.
Evergreens daintily sifted with light
patterns of snow, inviting a flock of
chickadees, a nuthatch companion to
delight in chirruping pleasure.
Nature, dissatisfied with the quiet breeze
on this chill day, the encompassing blue sky
soon skims over with billowing, migrating
clouds, their looped edges limned with a
post-view of the sun's receding brilliance.
The light that cascaded down upon the
landscape transforms to a darkly brooding
presence reflecting the deep gloom of a
forest tight with trees reluctant to admit
stray vestiges of winter-sleep-disturbing light.
And, again, snow squalls resume, determined
clouds claiming possession of the atmosphere.
These are no spiralling, feathery flakes of snow
resulting, but a fierce hail of minuscule orbs
of rain frozen in the lower atmosphere to ice
verging on snow. Or should that be snow
compacted relentlessly to ice, transformed to
other than what it was? Nature, playing with
her mischievous elements, teasing the forest.
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