Today, You...

You drew your naked torso beside mine,
threw one leg over me, nudged and kissed
me this morning in bed, then we arose, late.
You carefully re-attached my gold loop
earring when it fell off in the shower. You
smoothed skin cream over my back where I
cannot reach. You surreptitiously gave
bacon treats under the table to our little
dogs at breakfast, ignoring my reproaches.
You took out the compost pail after breakfast,
then collected the dogs' morning deposits
to flush down the toilet. You took my favourite
electric broom down to your workshop and
built it a new handle, after the original fell
apart. You told me that was a pee-wee,
singing in the woods, on our daily walk there.
You stood out on the porch for quite a
while, speaking with the hopeful candidate for
City council, and modestly acknowledged
his compliments in recognition of the
faultlessly-installed cobbled floral-bordered
piazza and walkways leading to our front door,
which you worked on using a stonemason's
basic tools of chisel and mallet, then you said
thanks for coming around, he had your vote.
You went back down to your workshop
to continue on your latest stained-glass
window. You took our little dogs out for
some fresh air and pee-time after the
thunderstorms stopped rolling through.
You told me you'd rather I did not inform
people that we are almost 74 years old.
You took the tiny snail I discovered in the
strainer when I was rinsing the basil and
oregano leaves back to the garden where it
belonged. You chopped up all the fresh
vegetables to place on the yeast dough I
rolled out on the pizza pan. You selected a
film video for us to view in the evening.
You are my peerlessly perfect partner.
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