Just into her teens
she is already struggling
with the perversity of
human relations, the sad
and pernicious disabilities
that young people cling to
refusing to clarify their own
thoughts, synthesize information
to reach intelligible and
just conclusions.
Why, she wonders,
speaking to her Jewish
grandparents, would some of her
classmates confidentially whisper
that Hitler was really a Jew?
And how strange it is that a
longtime friend whom she has
regularly helped deliver papers
expects her help, yet never
acknowledges it, by a nod
of appreciation?
And how confusing it is when
she cannot speak to a friend
about things that bother
for fear of offending
yet others exhibit no
such inhibitions?
Why is it that those who
are not team players
still claim their share of
a team's efforts?
And how odd it is that a friend
who never returned a
valued book, remarked in
astonishment "you already
had that one", seeing a
replacement hugged close;
no acknowledgement of her
casual shrugged "lost it".
And after all, shouldn't friends
be devoted to one another?
Able to speak with trust
and confidence, feeling
they will be understood,
trust reciprocated?
Is this carefully choreographed
dance of artful neglect friendship?
Long possessed of a healthy
sense of natural justice
evidence of the ignorance of
rudeness, incivility and bigotry
offend and perplex her.
Her future ambition: law and justice.
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