Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Wiser Heads Prevail

Squirrel and Crow. This spring is one for the ages. There… | by Eileen  Cowen | Medium

Witness to the high intelligence of a pacifist

confronted by an impudent mischief-maker

two opposites of the animal kingdom, one

observant and patient the other impulsive and

entitled. A casual confrontation, a theatre of

provocation and indulgence met by a wiser head.

Shades of Konrad Lorenz in tandem with Aesop.

A crow engaged with an indistinguishable object

of gustatory interest, interrupted by a small

red squirrel giving chase to access the object while

the bird moved a slight distance to watch. With 

no reaction to the rude interruption the squirrel

lost interest and drifted off while the crow resumed

efficiently pecking at the prize and the squirrel

returned, officiously nudging the crow which

obligingly once again hopped a short distance only

to see the squirrel befuddled with little interest in the

challenged object wandering dejectedly off so

the crow once again took possession of the prize.

If there is a moral to the pantomime neither shared

it with the curious onlooker, none the wiser.

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