Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Shame, America!,1043&quality=75&strip=all

Civility, the hallmark of decency in human relations

rests on its pillars of courtesy, respect, and dignity

expressions of which are also the framework of

diplomacy. These, extended as social, political terms

of reference between people of varying backgrounds

holding in common the values of human relations

form the scaffold upon which nations build trust and 

friendship in recognition that as no man is an island

nor is any nation without need of other nations' approval

and support at times of great upheaval in an increasingly

polarized and uncertain world. That when one head of

state travels to another in a ritual of partnership within

the global community, all due formalities of courtesy

be extended. To withhold that recognition of mutual

trust and awareness reveals a shameful lapse in a host's

understanding of the function of collegiality to achieve

a balance between each nation's needs and expectations

of the other. Such a failure represents a grave and utterly

unforgivable lapse in harmonious overtures of empathy.

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