Sunday, July 21, 2024

The World According to Islam's Dregs,c_fill/f_webp

They are wild, primitive, belligerent, steeped in

religious fervor -- convinced they do the work

of god, they are not inclined toward a goal

of peaceful intent inspired by sacred scripture

that enjoins its faithful to find harmony with

others on Earth, but conquest to lay at the feet

of a jealous god who will have none others

worshiped before him. Khat-compulsion

steers them toward imbecilic intentions to

militarily challenge others uninterested in violent

confrontation at the behest of a theocracy that is.

Contortions of reality suit them well in their 

bleak black-and-white world of primitivism

spurning the values of civilization. Yet as 

uncultured and and raw as they are these

bigoted zealots have possession of modern

weapons of destruction to accompany their

message to the international community --

surrender all  hope of survival encountering

their god of harmony and peace for all save

non-believers, in an evermore combative world.

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