Monday, July 15, 2024

Fated Destiny

With 193 sovereign nations the world is a

crowded and busy place where some countries

face disputes with their neighbours over issues

of geographic boundaries while most of those

countries' undisputed territories elicit no issues

of controversial challenges. A sovereign nation

with the territorial advantage of a massive size

numbering it first in the world in land mass can

still challenge a neighbour in territorial disputes

when aggression becomes deadly conflict. Nations

large and small with modest or immense land

and populations based on ancestral rights of

indigeneity form the basis of universally and

undisputed recognition yet even so the heritage

rights of large ethnic populations can be deprived

of their geographic patrimony when colonial

powers seek to ingratiate themselves through the

medium of sacrificing the rights of others in

defence of their power of execution. Anomalies

do exist as when the tiniest sliver of land dedicated

to reestablishing a homeland remains in bitter

disagreement of claim to ownership. And that

nation alone among hundreds urged by others

to accommodate the surly demands of those

disputing its legacy, writ in episodes of blatant

terror when atrocities rise above diplomacy not 

to be condemned yet the aggressed in response to

bloodshed as a declaration of war suffers global

outrage for its inhumanity in defending itself.

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