Monday, July 22, 2024

Proud and Unbowed,c_fill/f_webp

Externally-imposed social isolation is utterly

desolating. Human nature is such that we are

gregarious creatures, taking comfort in being

among others, being socially accepted, finding

our place in a society of heterogeneous ethnic

groups, ideologies, religions, cultures, as one of

many. Complacency and comfort is ours when

good interpersonal relations are the order of the

day, every day, our neighbours acknowledging

us as we do them in the mutual respect of civility

extended to all. We stand erect and proud on a

pedestal labeled 'citizen of the world'. Until that

world lurches, stumbles backward and finds itself

in a historical place of infamy, deception and

rejection. Suddenly we are set apart, deemed

persona non grata as our neighbours, once our

friends, look through, not at us as others hurl

accusations and libels, claiming we are other than

what we have always been and we are shunned.

Now reeling  in dismay, our comfort and confusion

in equal measure is shared among ourselves and 

we wonder why it is that we are suddenly outsiders 

spurned and threatened. It was we who suffered 

another dread mass atrocity of barbaric savagery 

yet disbelief and blame rain on our heads. We 

shudder and shoulder our lot, proud and unbowed.

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