Thursday, July 25, 2024

And No One Noticed,1024&quality=75&strip=all

Did no one notice the escalation? That they

began their vigils even before Gaza was entered

by the military forces tasked to eliminate terrorists

bemoaning the plight of the Palestinians until they

soon changed direction championing Hamas

declaring them to be an army of liberation, their

goal to free Palestinians from the heel of Israel

clamping their future. These protests tolerated for

after all the West cherishes democracy and its right

to free association, free speech, free gatherings to

ventilate, and if chants of 'final solution', 'intifada' and

'from the river to the sea' had an obvious meaning

well, it's just the Jews and the antipathy they generate

by being Jews. Did anyone notice that the tempo 

rose each time there was no response from the law

from government, from police as demands for Israel's

existence to be annihilated, for Jews to be murdered

rose to a frenzy? Imbuing the protest organizers and

their willing followers with the confidence that nothing

they did would result in consequences for criminal

offences against society, morality, humanity. Encouraging

them to carry on, to raise their rhetoric of threats to

new heights. No one noticed? Wait: A tactical diversion

for suddenly American flags are burnt, patriotic statuary

and beloved symbols of the constitutional republic

are being vandalized, its democratic principles mocked.

Police inaction continues to enable and validate 

terrorist-championing agent-provocateurs and their 

passionately adoring followers shrieking threats and

crowd-prowling agitators focusing on immobilizing

and mocking duly constituted law and order in favour

of nihilistic hatred by demagogues whose long-range

plan is total destruction of the world as it is. They're

at it with a demonic fervor. And no one takes notice.

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