Saturday, July 20, 2024

Their Divine Commander

Internationally agreed-upon conventions on

permissible warfare strategies are of no

concern to militias acting as proxies to

nations who have sworn themselves to

upholding such conventions and nor are

they meant to, representing the subterranean

alleyways of sinister bypass shielding them

from denouement and subsequent censure.

Except when the nation is itself though a

member in good standing of the globe's

international forum on global peace and

security in outright defiance of civil norms

encapsulated in respect for human rights. For

the nation's leaders, its armed forces along with

sectarian tribal militias bow only to their

singular faith, its Messenger and his God's

supremacy as their divine Commander

dedicated to the sacred covenant demanding

death to all those who fail to declare themselves

at one with the legendary figure claiming

through his revered intermediary the unique

supremacy of the death-inspiring god of peace.


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