Thursday, July 18, 2024

An Ocean of Misfits and Migrants

Flotsam and Jetsam: "Flotsam is defined as debris

not deliberately thrown overboard, from a shipwreck 

or accident. Jetsam describes debris deliberately thrown 

overboard by a ship in distress, to lighten the ship's load."

Precisely in human terms what is now placing the West

in a death spiral as developing countries shed their 

lowest common denominator in a population whose

humanity is scant and scarce, ridding themselves of the

bulk of their misfits, sociopaths, addicts, drug dealers

misogynists, neurotics and savagery-inclined psychopaths

as they cram dinghies and sailboats, scows and ferries

to inundate a land mass inhabited by mentally balanced

populations whose civil traditions of equality and justice

the incoming migrants flout and scorn while committing

societal crimes of unforgivable proportions. Leaving

host countries in a quandary of indecision, for they feel

compelled not to turn away the tide of humanity grasping

for lives of imagined wealth and opportunity achieved

through sweat equity, they will attain through crime.

As Europe's streets become flooded with migrants

scorning civilized sensibilities and authorities hesitate

to act lest they be accused of inhumanity while law and

order is flouted and law enforcement is mocked and

attacked, perpetrators of violence gain the upper hand

ululating in riotous celebration at the ruination of progress.



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