Friday, June 7, 2024

The Storm-Addled Garden


An unseen hand today tipped the precarious

lid of the sky leaving it wavering between

the spring sun and a tidal wave of rain events 

spilling over the sky's rim to time and again 

inundate the landscape below in bellowing 

thunder and flashes of light darkening the

atmosphere while above the sun briefly retook

its throne, sunlight glancing brightly off rain

lacquered foliage, the day engulfed in a heavenly

contest between nature's two elemental aristocrats. 

In the garden clematis tendrils trembled on its trellis

and newly blooming roses regretted their haste 

while heavy peony blossoms, humbled by the sheer 

weight of rain bowed to the stormy elements. 

Tender young annuals, drenched of spirit and colour 

blanched, leaned into one another as imperious 

rain spouted in violent sheets engulfing the melting 

garden soil while lashing foliage from the trees above 

in a performance of relentless dominion driven by

the tempestuous urge to express nature's mood.



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